Unfriends is a film that revolves around rape, cyber crimes. It is a story about a middle class man named Veer (Sahil Akhtar) is who hopes to start his own business and is in search of an investor. Vijay (Nafe Khan), son of a minister, becomes friends with Veer through
Unfriends is a film that revolves around rape, cyber crimes. It is a story about a middle class man named Veer (Sahil Akhtar) is who hopes to start his own business and is in search of an investor. Vijay (Nafe Khan), son of a minister, becomes friends with Veer through Facebook and decides to invest in his startup company.
To celebrate their new venture, the two of them head off to Lonavala. While on their way, they meet a girl named meet Mouli (Mousumi Biswas). After spending time, Vijay takes advantage of her and rapes her. Veer, then, jumps in to save Mouli and the two escape from there.
Vijay, who hails from an influential family, becomes the talk of the town over the huge controversy. Veer makes sure seek justice for Mouli and keeps his career on hold. Amid this, the politicians make sure to make life a living hell for Veer and Mouli. Veer even accepts Mouli as his life partner. Will Veer get justice for Mouli? This is how the story heads ahead.
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